This child's chair is made to conform to a childs size as they grow. Each piece of the chair nests securely inside the one below it to create a highchair, a toddler's chair, a kids chair with a boost and finally a childs chair. Each seat is removed as the child outgrows it until they are left with a beautiful wooden chair of their own. This design was inspired by the millions of ugly highchairs that are thrown away after two years of use because the baby quickly outgrows it.
This chair is made with the child in mind and is designed so that the child may sit at a comfortable level with everyone else at the table. The booster seat which is made of a durable molded plastic is left open in the front so that the child may climb into their chair without assistance. It also allows for a view of the wooden chair back.
The chair is reminicent of building blocks or nesting dolls. The chair is made of wood while the stackable seats (and rungs) are made of a molded plastic. The seats would all be made of the same material and be the same color. The use of molded plastic makes the chair very easy to clean and would contrast nicely with the light wood material of the chair. The consumer would have a choice of several popular colors including white to compliment the modern kitchen. This chair is also affordable and retails for about $500.
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