Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lisa Junge

This toy is intended for children ranging from the age of six months to three years and consists of a series of plastic light up blocks in various colors. The idea behind this toy is that each block is either a primary or secondary color, two of each color, and that that when a block is placed alongside another (with the aid of magnets) each block would transform into a combination of both individual colors. For example, if you put a red block next to a blue block you would get two purple blocks, or if you put yellow next to orange you would get yellow-orange. However if you put together blocks that did not create either a secondary or tertiary color the blocks would turn white. Though I do not know the specifics of the technology required for such a toy, in theory it would consist of a computer chip, LED lights, magnets, and a rechargeable battery encased in a hard plastic four square inch cube with a charging mat accessory. The toy would be marketed as an educational toy that would also mesmerize and entertain children while exposing them to the concepts of color theory at an early age. It would be sold primarily at toy boutique-style stores that specialize in high quality educational toys.

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